Rabu, 28 Februari 2018

CardStack-takes a unique technology base

Cardstack - is a unique system,

the developers will share with users the experience of using a decentralized Internet network, so such a process will become a reality of life. Of course, the process is based on blocking technology, which has recently gained tremendous popularity and has literally penetrated into every living environment of society, and most likely nobody has never heard of this technology and at least does not represent its essence. With every day and every minute, not only companies and organizations are using blocking technology, but also private users, and this can be justified, as it significantly simplifies the many processes used to spend a lot of time and money.

So, taking as a basis this unique technology, the non-profit foundation Cardstack Foundation, territorially located in Switzerland, has developed a revolutionary Cardstack system. At present, this system is actively developing and advancing, so that the number of its users is growing exponentially.

Cardstack accumulates invaluable experience, which resulted in the implementation of a unique decentralized software system that will make access to the Internet simple, safe and affordable, even in those parts of the world where previously it was difficult or even impossible. This system calls into question the activities of the major digital powers of our time, as they do not yet classify the technology of blockade as their arsenal. Thus, at present, the prospects and the development potential of a decentralized system are so great that every year they will bring ever greater material benefits and benefits not only to the creators but also to private users.

Cardstack does not oblige its users to use only the technology of the system - on the contrary, everyone can combine the functionality of various applications. At the same time, the Cardstack ecosystem allows users to organize such processes on the network, which previously, using a centralized Internet, were simply impossible.

Of course, Cardstack released its own tokens, which received the name CARD. However, this is not just another crypto currency - it allows us to create a truly stable and secure market system where each of the parties fully meets its needs and receives a decent material benefit.

Tokens CARD allows you to carry out all possible transactions, while avoiding numerous bank charges.

What modern technologies prevail in the Cardstack system:

a unique aggregation protocol - work on the basis of the protocol Tally allows you to perform numerous complex calculations in order to ensure the uninterrupted operation of the system for the maximum number of users;
application framework - the work is based on the Cardstack Hub, which provides reliable data transfer using blocking technology, as well as cloud storage;
own ecosystem token - with the help of smart contracts, developers monetize their efforts on the basis of Ethereum, which provides a decent reward and data security for each user of Cardstack.
The introduction of the Cardstack system leads to a stable and secure information future, the earliest advance of which is provided by the technology of blocking.

Visit the site:
Website: https://cardstack.com/
White Paper: https://cardstack.com/whitepaper.pdf
ANN: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2768237.0

Telegram: https://telegram.me/cardstack

Author: god bless

Selasa, 27 Februari 2018


                                                                                    EUROPEAN CRYPTO BANK (ECB)


Bank Crypto Europe will start Trading and Exchange Platform in London (UK). Despite Brexit, London remains a major financial hub in the European Landscape, the ECB Research and Innovation Center will be based in Paris (France) for reasons of French Public Funding (subventions). The Global Tax Department will be located in Milan (Italy). Access to the ICO Marketplace can provide a unique opportunity to realize an ambitious and measurable Investment Project. The Fund will be managed by the Finance and Compliant Team, to offer quality follow-up, Tax Advisory, Risk Anticipation with tools IA for Anti Money Laundering (AML) program, KYC, Wealth and Asset Management.


The main problem for crypto investors is how to turn their crypto portfolio into all traditional assets, while facing a truly hostile and hostile bank system toward the Crypto Eco Sphere.

The ECB is determined to respond to this big issue correctly, by offering secure exchange platforms, using existing KYC and AML software (used for the past nine years in our Wealth Management Business, by offering Tax Reports for the National Domestic Tax Service Receipts : French, Italian, German).

With the ECB, anyone in this world should be proud to make money on Crypto Exchange. We believe that we have a place in the Crypto World with a revolutionary offer, like Crypto Private Bank with all the services that traditional private banks should provide.

This is the initial Business Plan of the European Crypto Bank (ECB, a company registered and established in London in July 2014, with the partnership of Forgues Gestion SAS, a company founded in Paris in April 2009 and Woospeak Italia was established in Milan in July 2015. This new plan starts from 2018, and is intentionally formatted as Deck Pitch, due to the first phase of Project Business Planning.

In the case of a successful token, our Research Laboratory will be located in Paris and the Tax Assistance Department will be located in Milan, while the Platform and the Trade Exchange will take place in London. The Main Operations Center will also be skipped in London. European Crypto Bank Limited, French Forgues Gestion, and Woospeak Italia will join a single pan of European companies. Welcome to a new financial area, we are transforming our world into something new, clean and safe for all Europeans.

Trading Exchange and services leveraged on cryptocurrencies and FIAT.
Financial Analysis & Suggestions on Cryptocurrencies by Analyst team and I.A
HE. AML & Compliance and Tax Reporting: Robots Compliances for all opening accounts and KYC, used by the ECB and may be used in the future under license contracts by Financial Industry and other Exchange platforms.
HE. and the Human Tax Advisers of the Tax Lawyers Team will advise and represent our customers throughout Europe (Tax Consultations and Juridical Assistance in Tax Litigation cases).
Robot Advisors are able to understand humans and respond promptly with the best attitudes that are efficient, emotional and appropriate, just like human advisers.
Our target: To be a fully regulated Crypto Bank, for the next 4 years in Indonesia
Europe, by creating a gateway between the owner of the crypto currency and all the traditional assets (Stocks, Bonds, Commodities, Real Estate) .1803 Altitude PointUK: +44 (0) 747


ECB Story
In 2008, Olivier Forgues (ECB President) faced a large-scale Money Laundering Affair and Tax Avoidance, hosted by UBS in France and later across Europe and the United States. As a former employee, since he / she wants to take the time, to apply the applicable compliance, compliance and KYC regulations, in accordance with the Financial Risk List set by Bank Europe.

The European Crypto Bank (ECB) is the culmination of 10 years of work and knowledge of financial markets, financial analysis and research. It also means the conformity of two companies: FORGUES GESTION and WOOSPEAK and 2 people: Olivier FORGUES and Mikael MISARD, as well as a team of financiers, juridical, IT experts and complete experts.

This transparency
This transparency appears in the attached video, encouraging Olivier FORGUES to work and developing some protective tools, to manage the tax assertion and tax risks. Cobalt was created in 2009: a screener tool for analyzing and managing financial, compliance and KYC risks.
The company makes risk estimation tools, their anticipation and scenario predictions, so to optimize investment efficiency

After 10 years of experiments at Regulated and Centralized Markets, Olivier FORGUES finally wants to bring a new dimension to financial investment, capitalizing on the liberalization and decentralization of the Cryptocurrency Market, while maintaining these rules, safeguards and safety rules, thanks to the precious Know How.

What we will offer is:
How to make money in the Cryptocurrency Market, using the Secure Trading and Exchange platform takes care of your domestic internal revenue service and converts your crypto into all traditional assets, without any risk of AML Technology suspicion.

Interest in the ECB
Its "beta" platform and services, so far so far, have inspired us to expand the number of products available,
services and features, so to extend the Team, improve Quality Control, introduce
Customer Service Department, and pursue faster development speed
up by a thorough strategic plan.

Until now the ECB Project is not just a new project, it is based on the exciting business of the Asset and Wealth Industry of the Crypto and Block Chain Industries, with a high level of Financial Market knowledge and level of volatility



The idea of ​​Cryptocurrencies is relatively new, while the Market represented by Crypto is limited to a small community of people, who have a particular interest in this technology.

The Number of Cryptocurrency-Related Services offered today in the Market is rather widespread and evolution continues. For Level User Entry, navigating in such diversity is quite difficult: e.g. define high quality services from low, find out how it works, and how to capitalize on the opportunities that Cryptocurrency Market presents.

All of the above, we believe that it can be the biggest challenge for the growth of Cryptocurrency Business

The main problem, to achieve mass adhesion, is trust in the Crypto Market.

People want to invest in a safe and confident market, well advised and get responses about their financial situation and fiscal territory.


We aim to bring Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain products and services to the public, providing an easy-to-use stop-stop solution that is suitable for individuals and businesses, regardless of their level of experience, by complying with the Laws of Tax Law in their own countries. and by avoiding Money Laundering cases.

With the application of our Robot Advisors (AI) and by offering a complete research on Crypto Currency, we think we offer a great and complete service.
For investors, including training guides for all beginners in their own native language (French, English and Italian, then German, Spanish and Portuguese will follow).

For more information please check the link below:


Bitcointalk Profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1415378

Senin, 26 Februari 2018

Ntok (전문가 Ninja Token) - 교수진과 학생들은 기술로 구축 된 온라인 플랫폼 (BLOCKCHAIN)을 통해 상호 작용할 수 있습니다.

NTOK 란 무엇입니까?

NTOK (교사용 닌자 토큰)는 교직원과 학생들이 블록 체인 기술을 기반으로하는 온라인 플랫폼을 통해 상호 작용할 수 있도록 지원하는 전 세계에 분산 된 교육 지원 생태계입니다.

NTOK는 어떤 문제를 해결합니까?

과학 기술의 시대에는 지식을 습득하고 습득하는 과정이 모든 사람들에게 필수 불가결 해지고 교육은 많은 고객이 열 준비가 된 잠재적 시장이됩니다. 다른 사람들의 지식과 경험을 강력하게 전달하십시오. 시험 학교와 함께하는 전통 교육은 여전히 ​​중요한 역할을하지만 다음과 같은 이유로 사교육이 점점 더 인기를 얻고 있습니다.

   • 누군가가 지식에 접근하기를 원할 때 가장 접근하기 쉬운 방법입니다
   • 학습자는 어떤 콘텐츠와 교환하여 서비스 비용을 결정합니다
   • 교사 및 교사의 수가 증가하고 있습니다.
   • 오프라인 및 온라인 지원
   • 2022 년에 예상되는 큰 가치는 2 천 2 백 7 십억 달러에 달할 것입니다.

그러나 무언가가 개발되어 높은 수익성을 발휘할 때 품질 및 관리에 새로운 문제가 발생합니다.

   • 대부분의 과외 수업은 오프라인이므로 학생들이 수업 시간을 보내고 있음을 의미합니다.
   • 주요 온라인 양식은 Skype를 통해 상호 작용합니다.이 플랫폼은 교수 및 학습을 위해 실제로 전문적이지 않은 플랫폼입니다.
   • 가격과 품질이 일치하지 않습니다.
   • 때로는 최대 75 %까지 센터를위한 중대한 중간 비용
   • 훌륭한 자격을 갖춘 강사를 찾기가 어렵다.
   • 학생들은 신뢰할 수없는 평가 정보를 기반으로 교수진을 선택합니다.

이와 같이 NTOK는 핵심 이해 관계자 (교수진과 학생)가 쉽게 서로를 찾을 수있는 교육을 지원하는 글로벌 생태계를 만드는 피어 - 투 - 피어 배포 플랫폼을 개발합니다. 플랫폼 아래의 전문 중개 토큰을 통해 직접 상호 작용할 수 있습니다. NTOK의 목표 중 하나는 비용이 많이 드는 중개자를 단순화하고 제거하며 생태계 참가자에게 직접적인 경제적 이익을 창출하는 것입니다.

NTOK의 솔루션

NTOK는 개방형 생태계를 구축하여 이해 관계자 참여를 극대화 할 수있는 간단하고 효과적인 시설을 제공 할 것입니다. 생태계는 중간 지불 매체로 사용되는 토큰으로 작동합니다.

특히 NTOK는 다음과 같은 기능을 지원합니다.

   • 연구, 자격, 경험, 순위에 따라 교수진을 검색하고 선택합니다.
   • 강사 및 학생의 강의 및 학습 일정
   • NTOK 토큰을 이용한 자동 이체는 모든 형태의 중개자를 제거하여 Ethereum Blockchain 플랫폼을 기반으로합니다.
   • 대화 형, 안정된 환경, Skype보다 우수한 품질 덕분에 채팅, 문서 공유, 대화 형 보드 ...
   • 체계적이고 전문적이며 신뢰할 수있는 평가 시스템
   • 콘텐츠를 저장하고 홍보하기 위해 비디오 교육 응용 프로그램을 녹화합니다.
   • 제 3자가 서비스 및 교재를 제공하고 시스템 기능을 지원하는 기능을 통해 플랫폼에 참여할 수 있습니다.


토큰 할당 및 동원 자금 사용

일반인에게 공개 : 70 %
개발 팀 및 자문위원회 : 20 %
예비 기금 : 7 %

현상금 : 3 %

플랫폼 개발 35 %
마케팅 : 40 % - 많이 보입니다.
작품 : 25 %

개발 팀

Andrew Kravets : CEO, 공동 설립자
Max Shekhovtsov : 최고 재무 책임자, 공동 창립자
Alexey Borisov : CTO
Natalya Asenova : 영업 및 마케팅 책임자
Mikael Mnatsakanyan : 파트너십 책임자
Lu Arutyunova : 커뮤니케이션 매니저

지도 교수 :
David Goldsmith : Goldsmith Organization (뉴욕 및 홍콩)의 사장 겸 공동 창업자
수잔 모간 (Susanne Morgan) : 학술 작문 클럽 책임자, 사회학의 명예 교수
Mike Raitsyn : ICOBox, 공동 창립자 겸 CEO
Ilia Frankstein : Tetha Crypto, CEO
Alex Filatov : IoD Chartered 회장 (영국)
Yura Virovets : Headhunter.ru의 설립자 (Mail.ru에 매각 됨)
Vitaliy Tatsiy : Kinopoisk.ru의 공동 창업자 (Yandex에 판매 됨)
이고르 뻬 슈슈 에프 : 크라이슬러 러시아, CFO
Mike Rogalsky : Auto.ru의 설립자 (Yandex에 매각 됨)
Victor Bryzgalov : 침략자, CEO

세부 토큰

NTOK 문서에는 다음 정보 만 제공됩니다.

이름 토큰 : 교사 Ninja Token
토큰 코드 : NTOK
표준 : EIP20 (에레 미엄 블록 체인)
줄 : 유틸리티
Pre-ICO : 05.12.2017 - 15.01.2018
가격 : $ 1 USD / 1 NTOK
ICO : 15.01.2018 - 15.02.2018
총액 : 1,500 만 달러
가격 :
1 주차 : $ 1.00 USD / 1 NTOK
2 주차 : $ 1.05 USD / 1 NTOK
3 주차 : $ 1.10 USD / 1 NTOK
4 주차 : $ 1.15 USD / 1 NTOK
5 주차 : $ 1.20 USD / 1 NTOK

시스템 가동시 예상 가격은 $ 2.00-10.00 $ USD입니다.

NTOK 프로젝트에 대한 추가 정보

웹 사이트 : https://ntok.io/
백서 : https://ntok.io/NTOK%20White%20Paper.pdf
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/ntok.token/
트위터 : https://twitter.com/ntok_io
전보 : https://t.me/ntokio

 내 bitcointalk : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1415378

Royal Cash - također je znak ETH-a i otvorenog protokola transakcija bez fokusiranja za Ethereal blok lanac.

Hasil gambar untuk royalcash bounty

Royal Cash je jedinica za kriptoznu valutu koja se temelji na ETH blokskom lancu, integrirajući Smart Contract tehnologiju i ERC20 standard. Istodobno, Royal Cash također je ETH znak i otvoreni protokol za transakcije bez fokusiranja na Ethereal blok lancu. To će se koristiti kao blok koji može biti povezan s drugim protokolima za rad složeniji. Royal Cash korisnicima omogućuje višestruko povećanje vrijednosti svojih računa trgovanjem, trgovanjem ili pristupom kockanju / kockanju. Kao rezultat toga, Royal Cash će se široko koristiti na tržištu klađenja kao iu kasinima širom svijeta. S vrlo niskim transakcijskim troškovima, visokom sigurnošću i kamatama privlačnim investitorima, Royal Cash uskoro će postati jedna od najčešće korištenih kriptokoknih jedinica.

Royal Cash Platform će korisnicima Royal Casha pružiti preko 20 casino igara za zabavu, uključujući casino igre, rulet, poker i ostale kockanje. U stvari, Esports klađenje je jedno od mogućih područja i raste vrlo snažno jer je 2017. godine tržište igara dostiglo 100 milijardi dolara. Konkretno, Esportsove oklade bile su najaktivnije tijekom turnira multimilijuna dolara koji su se odvijali u igrama poput Dota 2, Legends League, CS: GO, Overwatch. Royal Cash će vam dati sigurnost jer vlada ne kontrolira naš kripto i transakcije, ima vrlo visoku sigurnost. Možete upotrijebiti Royal Cash kako biste se kladili na velike one koje povezujemo u svijetu s vrlo niskim troškovima transakcije, uz apsolutnu sigurnost.

Služba za smanjenje rizika od gubitka u klađenju

Kraljevski prorok je dodatna usluga koja koristi AI za prikupljanje informacija o sportskom kockanju, čiji je cilj osigurati odgovarajuću procjenu vjerojatnosti rezultata igara. Temelji se na kolektivnoj inteligenciji koju nudi online kladionica za klađenje protiv najslabijih prediktora. Optimizira raspodjelu oklada putem višestrukih oklada na mreži kako bi se maksimalizirale pobjedničke margine i minimizirale rizik od gubitka. Budući da kraljevski prorok može smanjiti rizik od gubitka pružajući najbolju predviđanja (s više od 85% osvojene stope), korisnici koji ulažu u Royal Prorok moraju platiti 30% pobjednika da vraćaju dobit našim stručnjacima.


Uz zaradu do 48% mjesečno, također ćete moći sudjelovati u štednom programu, postoji mnogo drugih razloga za ulaganje u Royal Cash, kako slijedi:
Nizak troškovi transakcije i fiksni za 0,1%.
Sigurnost i anonimnost na visokoj razini. Sve aktivnosti kao što su kupnje ili tajne transakcije, a drugi korisnici ne mogu vidjeti.
Planiramo nagraditi nositelje RCC-a nakon što se razmjene provode.


Landing Program

Ako niste zadovoljni minimalnom kamatnom stopom, možete ga koristiti Povećajte ovu brojku do 32 puta. Svakodnevno imate 5 prilika za sudjelovanje u kockicama (ispod / iznad) za podizanje kamatnih stopa, a posebno:
Vrlo uspješno: x2 osnovna stopa
Dvostruko uspjeti: osnovna kamatna stopa x4
Uspio je 3 puta: osnovna kamatna stopa x8
Uspjeh 4 puta: x16 osnovna kamatna stopa
Uspjeh 5 puta: x32 osnovna stopa

Ako izgubite, nećete primati kamate na taj dan. No, s mogućnošću podizanja kamatne stope do 32 puta dnevno, trebate biti na kocki!


Road Map

Za više informacija:

Situs web: https://royalcash.io/
Bijelo izvješće: https://royalcash.io/assets/doc/whitepaper.pdf
Twitter: https://twitter.com/RoyalCash5
ANN Tema: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2814892.0
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Royalcash.io/
Telegram: https://t.me/joinchat/AAAAAENuw-VG3sOjbi3Fg

Profil: god bless

Kamis, 22 Februari 2018


Vestarinプラットフォームは、暗号化を使用してサービスや商品を購入する新しい方法です。 Vestarinには、多くの素晴らしい機能があります。さまざまな商品やサービスの支払いに加えて、チームを集めてプロジェクトを立ち上げ、作成することができます。ストアをお持ちの場合は、プラットフォームに統合して暗号化を開始することができます。また、コインを送ったり通信したりするチャット機能もあります。このプラットホームは、初期のコイン・オファリングへの投資を可能にし、リスクを低下させる。スタートアップには、Vestarinプラットフォームを使用している他のユーザーからのユーザー評価とフィードバックが与えられます。トランザクションはVSTトークンを使用します。これは特にVestarin用に設計されたERC20トークンです。計2億のトークンが発行されます。





Firelotto-This platform pays 10% commission to the holders of FLOT tokens, which is a constant source of crypto income for them.

I will elaborate on the International FireLotto Block project LOTTERY, following the discussion:

Fire Lotto, is the world's leading decentralized lottery platform developed under the smartest Ethereum (ETH) contract, which is marked by total transparency. Decentralized and distributed blockchain offers many opportunities for innovation in advanced technology and the modernization of the gaming industry.

This platform ensures that 70% of ticket sales reach the jackpot and the winners are paid immediately after the sweepstakes in their EPF wallet. To launch on January 1, 2018, Fire Lotto focuses on 4 popular raffle games. The game is called the 4/20 draw, the 5/36 draw, the 6/45 draw and the Roger Wheel. Ticket fee is 0.007 ETH, which is the current price of ethereum around $ 6.60.

If the request is felt, Fire Lotto will add new games to attract more players. These players will be able to access the platform from any device, without requiring any application. Currently, interested users can join the platform by investing in the company's chip sales or entering the lottery. Private Lotto Personal Lotto Fire is in progress and will end on January 15, 2018, while the main ICO will start on March 15, 2018 and end on April 15, 2018.

This platform pays a 10% commission to FLOT token holders, who are a constant source of crypto income for them. The pot can reach millions of dollars. The algorithm that manages the proposed lottery using the random and safe generation (RNG) generation method prevents all types of cheating and manipulation. This platform runs a completely secure RNG method based on the existing Bitcoin decentralization protocol. Neither the winning number nor the lottery ticket can be forged. There is no possibility of system abuse since Fire Lotto is anonymous.

Players enter the lottery site through a friendly and intimate interface, where they can buy almost unlimited lottery tickets and choose a number for each. Ticket payment is activated in one click through the user's wallet.

The anonymity offered by Fire Lotto implies that players from anywhere in the world can participate. One additional incentive is the absence of virtual taxes. Unlike traditional lotteries, there are no hidden taxes or fees that reduce the number of jackpots in the event of a victory. Users only need internet access and their wallets to be played. The Lotto Fire Referral Program allows investors to generate up to 15% off for every ticket purchased by the sponsor member.

watch and learn the video below:

Research and Development Q1-Q2 2017
December 2017 Launch of the lottery
Early January 2018 Pre-sale tokens
End of March 2018 Sale Token
November 2017 A closed round
Sales 1st January 2018Fire Lottery
End of January 2018 Launch of an advertising campaign
March 2018A great advertising campaign.
To find relevant details about the current FireLotto project please visit the following link:

Username Bct

Selasa, 20 Februari 2018

HONOR - This platform provides complex services such as (references, availability, technical visits, strangers to your home, word contracts, etc.)

Getting a Job is one thing everyone will want to do because with our work we will get a salary or bonus and we can use to interact, shop and make sure to meet the needs, I will here explain about the new platform with the service of building new concepts about work experience and the introduction of an informal career, previously only offered by the career path of a large centralized organization.

What's Honor?
a small crypto created by young entrepreneurs with a complete talent with one goal: Creating a machine of opportunity for those who have talents and like what they do regardless of their ability, age, gender, color or training. The platform provides services (references, availability, technical visits, strangers to your home, word contracts, etc.) to Transform problems and technologies in simplicity and convenience by proposing an informal career platform called Jubs, Crypto Honor that will be used for platform strength JUBS.JUBS
JUBS, the company behind the release of HONOR Token, is a startup company set up in Brazil in 2015, and is located in Brazilian Innovation Technology Park, Sergipe Parque Technologico.These later saw the launch of the new HONOR-based Initial Token Offering crypto-coin based on the Ethereum protocol ERC20, which will go on sale from January 15, 2018 to March 18, 2018
JUBS launches a JUBS app as a service that allows people who need professional tasks performed and helps users find qualified individuals to pair the task. JUBS has built a successful partnership with Microsoft, Amazon and Facebook. Millions of dollars are spent each year in "on the go" service business that has made an entrance that has emerged in recent years. JUBS aims to conquer this growing market, using blockchain technology and connect users with easy payment methods using HNR tokens.

Problems faced Currently the industry is classified as advanced but the system used is still fairly traditional or ancient, resulting in difficulty in selecting or hiring someone in accordance with the criteria set by an industry, This is a constraint faced in general in the industry plus the lack of professionalism in the work so that bad results on the work.

When a user finally finds someone who agrees to do the job, a contract is usually difficult to make and often leads to cheating.
Fraudulent payments are a big problem in the service business because jobs usually have to be completed in order to receive payments, so when the professional does his job, there is the possibility of payment not getting to the party entitled.

JUBS as a solution

Sosmed as a communication medium allows a friend to recommend a friend to a professional company who is looking for a job and provide reinsurance to the buyer. Equipped with a decentralized payment system so that the transaction process can be done automatically and smoothly. JUBS will reward tokens to be used or sold to professionals keeping qualified individuals on the platform, When the service is completed the funds are released and no fees are taken from the JUBS platform which gives more income to the professionals who complete this service. If any problems arise then there will be a built-in insurance protection program enabled based on the number of tokens owned by the service provider. This gives more security to the service providers and will get them interested in joining the platform and pushing this

The JUBSJUBS feature will build a resolution network to address and as a solution to any problems encountered so that Every transaction is recorded and you are given an unalterable score. If we buy many services and have no problem, your personal rank will be very high, and the user who access the network will be able to see that you have successfully made many transactions and will be more likely to deal with you. It also allows service providers to demonstrate successful deals and prove past experience. Insurance is provided to service providers in case of damage. Insurance has several different factors that play a role, the number of tokens compared to circulation, customer ratings, past issues, individual skills, etc.

                                                           Download the jub app

Honor Coin

HONOR will be the basis of payment and rewards on the JUBS platform, the first service-based recruitment community based on user nomination and work reputation.

Details & Token Supply

Token Sale start: 15 January 2018
End of Token Sale: 19 March 2018
Hardcap: USD 15 MI
Total Number of Tokens: HONR 100,000,000
Token Price: USD 0.15
Currency Accepted: ETH
Project Protocol: ETH, ERC 20
Total token supply: 100,000,000 tokens
Token type: ERC-20 tokens
Token Price: 1 HNR = $ .15



63% Crowdsale
7% Presale
1% Other costs
2% Advisors
7% Bounty program
5% Working Capital
5% Rewards Engine
10% Team

Token Sale

Token Sale start: January 15, 2018
End of Sale Token: March 19, 2018
Hardcap: 15 000 000 $
Number of tokens: 100,000,000 HONR
Token Price: 1 HONR = 0.15 $


the main financial instrument of transactions on the JUBS platform. Sales during the ICO campaign will begin in 2018. HONOR Cryptococcus (HNOR) will be distributed at an HTH ratio of 1 ETH to participants - based on daily rates - in the initial contribution period, beginning on January 15, 2018. The initial contribution period will run for 4 weeks or in less than 24 hours if the USD 15M ceiling is reached

For more information about ICO please visit:

Site: https://honor.appjubs.com/
Whitepaper: https://s3-sa-east-1.amazonaws.com/appjubs/HONOR+-+WHITEPAPER+1.2+-+EN-US.pdf
Ann Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2620238.0 
Telegram Group: https://t.me/joinchat/GDGcbQ_WUS543DwkIWQy4A

Author: (god bless):

Senin, 19 Februari 2018


Kryll.io est une grande plate-forme pour les commerçants en monnaie crypto, qui veulent utiliser des outils puissants avancés pour les stratégies de négociation et de négociation. Pour obtenir de meilleurs résultats sur les marchés de la crypto-monnaie. Cette plateforme fournit le moyen le plus proactif de créer votre propre stratégie de trading et de la configurer pour un lancement automatique.
En plus des outils standards, Kryll propose:
Créer vos propres stratégies
• Simulation et test de stratégies en temps réel
• Utilisation totalement gratuite de la stratégie, jusqu'à son utilisation pratique
• Trouver et vendre les meilleures stratégies de négociation pour les utilisateurs ordinaires
• Formation pour les meilleurs commerçants
• Et bien plus encore, en savoir plus sur le site officiel
Développez vos stratégies et vendez-les pour la devise nationale utilisée pour les transactions dans cette plateforme. Toute personne intéressée par votre développement peut vous l'acheter pour les jetons du projet, des jetons sont spécialement mis en ligne pour le site Kryll. C'est une très bonne nouvelle, car c'est une opportunité directe de gagner de l'argent supplémentaire pour le développeur de stratégie.

L'équipe du projet Kryll se compose de développeurs formés et expérimentés et de commerçants professionnels, ces personnes ne sont pas la première année sur le marché de la monnaie crypto, et je connais mon entreprise.
L'objectif principal du projet est de fournir des opportunités de commerce aux gens ordinaires, plus spécifiquement aux personnes qui sont intéressées par le commerce et veulent le faire, ainsi que fournir des outils pour le commerce, un lieu et une communauté pour obtenir le meilleur retour sur leur travailler pour des commerçants expérimentés.
Kryll - à ce jour, mis en œuvre et développé un site prototype, tout comme la capacité de gérer le site via un smartphone, en utilisant l'application. Toutes les opérations commerciales majeures seront disponibles dans l'application.

Les principaux paramètres de l'ICO:
• Calendrier: 7 février 2018 - 20 mars 2018 12:00 UTC;
• Nom du jeton: KRL;
• Jetons libérés: 220 000 000 KRL;
• Coût du jeton KRL: 0,2 USD;
• Achat minimum: 500 KRL;
• Politique financière: aucun jeton supplémentaire ne sera émis, les jetons invendus seront brûlés;
• Hardcup: 29M USD;
• Les investissements sont acceptés dans: BTC - ETH - BCH - LTC - ZEC - DASH.
Avoir le temps d'acheter des jetons pendant les phases initiales de l'OIC, car à différentes étapes, un bonus sera fourni, à partir de 30% au tout début des ventes, se terminant à 0% à la fin.

plus d'info:


auteur: god bless

mon bitcointalk: https: //bitcointalk.org/index.php? action = profil; u = 1415378

Senin, 12 Februari 2018

ODEM - 通过在线功能提供教育支持。

ODEM是一个综合性平台,使教育行业的学生,​​教师和服务提供者能够参与直接的,分散的和真正的市场。这允许参与者寻求,选择和购买现有的教育产品,并且创建,请求和讨论个人和在线的个性化教育体验。与Coursa和Khan Academy等在线教育提供商不同,ODEM平台专注于实时制作教育课程。出于这个原因,ODEM平台的设计不仅适用于一个课程,而且还包含相关服务和计划,这些都包含在展示位置中。

ODEM平台由于先进的区块链技术的出现而成为可能,该技术允许合格和可靠的教育行业成员创建个性化的项目和体验,并直接向市场提供。 ODEM平台还为学生提供住房,交通和其他基本必需品的更多选择。这使得国际和当地学生能够配合他们的教育。 ODEM将有助于在线课程支持的课堂体验。




ODEM团队受到了美国专家Excelorators的成功启发,该公司成功为学生,管理人员和外籍管理人员提供教育服务,帮助他们熟悉教育机构和企业校园。在这方面,ODEM树立了新的满意标准,彻底改变了高效教育体验的质量和可获得性。 Excelorators将成为美国ODEM教育服务的独家提供商。学生和教师参与者将对ODEM进行试点和测试,并形成大规模采用的基础。无论您是组织一个为期一天的会议还是为期一周的课程,ODEM平台都可以让学生和老师在世界任何地方以任何费用连接课程建议。随着用户群的不断增长,

参与ODEM平台的基础是用户提交其事先批准的标准;不像制作的Airbnb ODEM平台结合了多方以达到最佳的“匹配”,其中各方的要求,必须遵守的是,他们已经作出服务承诺,真正如自动备份接待Airbnb的事实。特征。生态系统层面优化的主要限制是能够同时传达各方的需求和限制;幸运的是,自动学习和优化方法的成功使其成为一个需要解决的问题,并且块链允许您自动执行必要的合同以促进一致的实施。
如果ODEM使用社交网络平台复仇保证了系统的可靠性,接入到平台和周期性状态哈希平台在公共网络上播出。目前,ODEM令牌功能被认为是相当复杂的,所以团队倾向于使用EVE Turing来将Stellar用于公共令牌。但是,以太坊网络的使用将被最小化,以避免ODEM的交易成本过高。

在ODEM平台上,基于以太坊的智能合约保证以“无可指责”的方式访问服务。 “无用”并不意味着他们不能相信,而是不需要相信自己。从实用的角度来看,这意味着学生可以从供应商购买服务,坐拥世界的另一侧,而与他们开会,不知道他们是否是诚实的服务提供商。支付教育服务ODEM平台将通过内置cryptocurrency,ERC标记为20,即ODEM标记(ODEMT)进行。此功能允许您使用一个共同的分母,提供便宜的价值转移,以及平台上的快速和安全的金融交易。作为ODEM平台的一部分,供应商将被邀请加入该平台,通过免费的初始令牌,从ODEM薪资分配中提名。供应商注册并创建配置文件后,必须遵守供应商的成本结构。


ODEMT不会在受监管的市场上展示,例如六个瑞士交易所或六个。这些条件是在不考虑(a)项下的招股说明书的法律规定的情况下编制的。 1156或艺术。第652A条瑞士债务规则或法律条例招股说明书下的艺术。 “资本集体投资法”(“CISA”)第5条或“ 27 ff。瑞士任何其他证券交易所的报价规则或评级规则。这些条款或任何其他与要约有关的文件,ODEM SA,ODEM或ODEMT平台均不得存放或获得瑞士监管机构的批准。特别是,这些条件将不会被存放在瑞士金融市场监管局(FINMA)的瑞士金融市场监督委员会,并建议将不会被最后控制ODEMT。此外,ODEMT提案并非也不会在CISA中允许。因此,给予感兴趣的客户或股集体投资机构作为CISA的部的保护,并不适用于客户


Mycro Simply complete the work, at a low cost.

INTRODUCTION Mycro has the skills to provide services is normal but finding a place to provide such services may be difficult. Mycro ha...